Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Yesterday was Tuesday.

Last night John said something like, "It's fun that today is Tuesday. Except it means that tomorrow's Wednesday." Except it sounded a whole lot stupider when he said it.

Wednesdays are the worst days for us. John's away until a little after 6, then he needs to leave by 6:30 to go to Scouts, and he doesn't get back until sometime after 9 (which is usually closer to 10). I have a hard time keeping the little ones happy and fed and civil(ish), let alone really do anything for me. John doesn't really like to be gone that long (partly because he knows it's hard on me).

So it's nice when I can divide up my day on Wednesday, have someone over or something. Today Kristin came over to do speech with Jeremiah, and I try to be involved so I can learn from someone who knows more than I do. But Isaac was being too rambunctious. So I was mostly refereeing. And it wasn't fun. I guess that it can't always be thrilling.

But then Isaac fell asleep (during a time out he climbed into Jeremiah's crib and I found him asleep when I went to get him out), and Danielle fell asleep, and so Jeremiah played by himself for a little while and I made Indonesian Peanut Chicken and chocolate chip cookies. So when John came home he was pleasantly surprised and we had a nice dinner (yes, with salad, too) and a happy relaxed 25 minutes before he went to Scouts.

Today was Wednesday.

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