Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hnnn and Myee

Jeremiah has speech dyspraxia, which makes it hard for him to say words. He often uses word segments, or doesn't voice vowels (i.e., he always whispers "mom").

When I'm holding Danielle, Jer will come over and look at me, then say, "Hnnn. Hnnn." And it very much means, "I would like to hold my sister and give her hugs and pat her head." He always, always hnnns first. He's telling me what he's going to do, or asking permission. And it's really very sweet.

Today we were leaving church, and Jeremiah started saying "Mye! Myee!" It took me a second, but I realized he was saying "bye" to everyone we passed. Sadly, nobody was saying "bye" in return. And nobody noticed that he was talking. I know that I'm more sensitive to it, and I notice every time Jeremiah says anything. It would just be so great if others noticed as well.

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