Friday, May 30, 2008

Danielle's Update

In an attempt to give my kids equal attention, this post is the first of three, centered on Danielle.

Danielle is such a sweet little girl! She's 17 months old now. She's all girl. From her hair (which apparently always needs a couple more butterfly clips) to her shoes (which are typically changed at least three times a day to keep her happy).

She just started dancing--she'll push a button on a toy guitar to play a song, take 2-3 steps backward, and start marching her feet or spinning in circles. Usually spinning in circles. After the 10-second song is over, she repeats the process.

She loves to read. I've been trying to read to her off and on (like all good parents should), but up until the past month she's always pushed the books away and tried to squirm away. Now, however, she finds the books she wants, thrusts it to me (or John is I'm not around), sits on the floor, adamantly pats the ground next to her indicating that I need to sit as well, and refuses to be content until we read that particular book. Her favorites this week are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?," Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do you see?," "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?," (are you noticing a theme here?) and "Go Away, Big Green Monster!" (which I recommend to all children between the ages of 1 and 6--it's a paper book, not a board book, or I might recommend it to the younger set as well).

Danielle also has a genetic predisposition to electronics and communicative devices. I don't know what else to chalk that up to. She's obsessed with the computer and has figured out the mouse-pad on the laptop.

Danielle has been practicing nodding and shaking her head "no." Naturally, she gives her opinion quite frequently. "Do you want a drink?" Emphatically nods. "Do you want to eat breakfast in your high chair?" Seriously nods, then walks to her high chair and attempts to climb in by herself. "Are you ready for bedtime?" Slowly shakes her head "no." "Should we read a book?" Her eyes light up and she nods as she walks to get a book. All very cute and deliberate. The cute-ness might be deliberate cuteness, as well.

She plays crawl-across-the-crib with me when I come to get her from her nap. I ask, from the hallway, if she's awake (she probably nods, but I don't really know), and then come to get her out...and she crawls to the other side of her crib! So I peek at her over there, and she giggles and crawls super-fast to the other side of her crib. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. (I usually just take her out after that. This could go on for many many minutes.)

Danielle will officially be old enough for nursery in four weeks. I did leave her there last for the third hour of church because I taught in Relief Society. We've been going to nursery during Sunday school for a couple weeks now. We'll continue to do that until she can go by herself. She likes to play with the toys, and she likes the little colored chairs that are just a tiny bit to big for her. She loves singing time.

She's a happy and cute little girl! And we ALL love her dearly.

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