Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Choose Your Own Adventure


alison said...

When I was a kid, I LOVED Choose Your Own Adventure books, and after I'd made all the obvious choice combos, I would randomly pick a page to turn to...which certainly didn't make any sense...and which was just as fun in this CYOA as it was back then. :)

Anonymous said...

I won a Choose Your Own Adventure book a couple years back at an 80s party (I was the winner of the 80s trivia game just before we popped in the Labrynth DVD). Anyway, it was one of the coolest thing I'd ever won. It's about you and your fellow archeology students getting sucked back in time by these mysterious Celtic ruins ...

My favorites CYOAs as a kid were also about time travel. I especially liked the one where you were trying to figure out what killed the dinosaurs. Then there was this one called Castle of Lost Souls that was like a one-man RPG: you could get in battles and stuff, and had to keep track of your hit points.

Good, good stuff.