Monday, June 11, 2007

Interesting Maps of the United States

I like statistics, and I think that maps can tell a statistical story in a unique way. I just saw a map that renamed the 50 states with countries which have similar GDPs, and one of my all-time favorites shows the most-used terms for carbonated beverages.


alison said...

John commented on there being a "pop" county in California. If you go to the link and click on a state, it will break down how many respondents and their responses. That county is Trinity county, which had 2 respondents, who both chose "pop." I happen to like the county breakdown feature.

I think I partly find this map interesting because I say "soda" and John says "pop." Which means that our children say....


John Robinson said...

Actually, I taught them to say "coke" while Alison was in Oregon for two weeks.

Cougarg said...
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Cougarg said...

Just how long do you think you can keep "soda" up in a predominantly "pop" state? I'll give you a few years until they are indoctrinated into the public school system. Given you stay in WI that long. If you go Southwest or northeast I'd say it'll be permantly ingrained.

Anonymous said...

In Kenya they called them "sodas," which I think is the term I default to when in my home country. In India, however, they call them "cool drinks." You say it like one word: "cooldrinks."