Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I feel like summer is here already. Jeremiah has 4 more weeks of school, but it is now in the triple digits, and there isn't a time to open up the apartment and cool it off and air it out with a nice breeze. I was seriously tempted to meander through the sprinklers after we dropped Jeremiah off at school, but as I was on the brink of deciding to, they turned off. The A/C is on all day and all night. We'll be getting fans and a few years supply worth of popsicles. And our swimsuits on as soon as it's safe to. I'm not even tempted to bake goodies any more. Really, to use the oven at all. We'll be having crockpot baked potatoes tonight, to see how they compare to oven and microwave baked potatoes. Mostly, just...blech.

1 comment:

hannabonana said...

OOooh tell me about it!! It was so crazy hot today, and our schools don't use the AC so they literally baked us alive today. yeah blech :-P