Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Off of Christine's suggestion, I wrote my dear husband a cheesily romantic poem, as he's off in China this week. I'm sure it will cheer him. She recommended choosing four words at random, and incorporating them into my poem... She also suggested using "quart" and "dispatch," which has several meanings to choose from. Here are four of my lines... I'm amused and pleased with my resulting poetry, but not willing to post the entire thing.

"Overflowing quarts of intangibility"

"The quest completed, the dispatch sent"

"Granulated by sweetness"

"Colored as the purest deepest paint"

My suggestion would be to take the same concept and play with it, frame your beautiful poetry for your beloved and hang it over the toilet.

Oh, gee. That would be really funny.

I need to buy a frame.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I'd be curious to read the rest of the poem .... I'm delighted that you did it. You should definitely frame that!