Thursday, April 9, 2009


Danielle has been drawing lately. She announces what she's drawing as she goes. "Mommy a number! A number! That number is white. It is a seven. Mommy, it's five. Mommy it's six, it's six, mommy!" She makes shapes, mostly circles but today she attempted a triangle that ended up a curvy trapezoid. She draws our family--small circles and lines of various sizes. Daddy is the biggest, she is the smallest. She adds ears and eyes and mouths and legs. I don't ask her to, she just does it by herself. I think it's pretty amazing. We've been painting with "real watercolors" lately. Danielle's paintings went from scribbles and dots one day to deliberate items on her paper the next.

Isaac is in a funny stage with his art. Sometimes he'll paint or draw insects or people, but mostly he likes to explore with the media. He likes to squish the brushes, twirl them on his paper, paint in all one color then another on top of it to see how it works and mixes. It's fascinating. And very good that I don't have a project or purpose in mind as he creates.

Jeremiah doesn't like to paint as much. He's more a sculpture kind of guy. His paintings tend to be monochrome and hasty. However, he identifies the paintings each of them have done over the past few weeks, always correctly. I can't always tell the difference and need to look at the names. But give him playdoh and he's set for the next ... week, perhaps.

When John comes back with our camera, I can post images of their artwork. Which may well be more fascinating to me than to others. :)


Alice Anne said...

Alison - do you have my playdough recipe? It uses salt, oil and flour and water and alum. You can color and "smell" it up with generic cool-aid powder. I'll email it to you. Play dough is a mother's best friend - next to a neighborhood swimming pool. That is my favorite - exhausts, cleans and exercises kids; all at the same time.

Julie said...

Hey Michelle you can do an art project with Isaac using different textures and instruments. Have him start with on color and paint normal. Then have him splatter with another color, put his hand prints in it, paint with sponges, or harder brushes, you can put foil on the painting and have him use a different color and keep painting (you pull the foil off in the end), he can put newspaper on the wet paint and then take it off, etc. This is a very abstract piece but very cool in the end.