Saturday, April 25, 2009

Interpretive Seuss

Per request of a certain grandmother, here are reading videos. First, Isaac. About halfway through the video, John comes home, and Isaac starts singing the book, for those who aren't incredibly interested in watching 10 minutes of interpretive Dr. Seuss. He does get very expressive in just about everything he does.

Danielle was jealous of Isaac being the center of attention, so here are a few videos of her. Reading a book, and singing "The Family is of God," the song we learned in Primary (and therefore was the most demanded song for our evening family scripture-song-and-prayer) in March. And of her and Isaac singing a song from one of our scripture movies--Isaac liked it a lot, so we had to learn it. (The following three videos are relatively short... 30 to 90 seconds, approximation. And Danielle's been dressing herself in her favorite clothes, and doesn't care what matches or coordinates.)

Jeremiah loves books. I find him reading to himself more than the other kids do. He's quite expressive. I know that a huge part of enjoying him reading is simply to listen to him keep talking, instead of just a few words as needed.

Earlier today (unrelated) Jeremiah found a can of soda and wanted me to open it for him. We don't usually have soda around, and I was pretending I didn't know what he wanted, so he used the words he knew the best he could, and ended up asking me something like "Pull... Go down... Drink soda! Yay!" with the biggest grin, so excited. If I could have gotten that on video... So sweet and pure.


Sarah said...

Isaac and Danielle are such good singers! haha and my favorite video was of Jeremiah. Theyre all so cute!

Alice Anne said...

Yay!! Get 'em hooked early - Thanks for filming so we can all enjoy too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Jeremiah's reading is so darling! And Danielle's singing, and Isaac's reading. Jeremiah just touches my heart, though, and I'm so happy to see him talking like that and reading. Way to go!
