Sunday, January 13, 2008


I'm going to do a triathlon! Which entails getting into shape to do a triathlon, which is more the point than the actual race. But my first goal is to run, swim, and bike the equivalent of an Ironman triathlon over 30 days. That should get me on the right track, at least. (Okay, so that will really get me on the right track. Really, really.) Hopefully this will pan out, and not be one of my goals that happens to slip away. :)


Todd said...

Go for it Alison! I hate running with a passion, so no triathlon for me. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh and Happy Birthday! Not today when I posted, but yesterday when you did.

caron said...

Okay, you don't know me, but I have a soft spot for triathletes to be! Go fight win, seriously. I am not the most athletic person in the world, but I am also doing one in May. It's just a little one, but it still counts!!