Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm "It"?

Five things I was doing ten years ago:
1. Going on my first date: to a carnival with The Grossest Boy in my class. And I liked it. :)
2. Deciding I'd wait until I turned 18 to get my driver's license.
3. Show choir before school.
4. Attempting to pole vault (and do all the other "field events" in track and field).
5. Getting my name in the local newspaper for finishing first for my school in a cross country meet.

Five things to do today:
1. Sew 99-6" squares together to make the front of a baby quilt.
2. Laundry.
3. Prepare a spiritual thought for a presidency meeting.
4. Decide which frozen vegetable to microwave to go with homemade chicken nuggets and roasted potatoes for dinner.
5. Laundry.

Five things I want to do in the next ten years:
1. Take my family (as in "husband and children") on a backpacking trip.
2. Run a marathon.
3. Discover my favorite type of cheesecake.
4. Overcome/accept my fear of heights and go on a ski-lift so I can learn to ski.
5. Go on a weeklong retreat, by myself, and sleep and be massaged and eat yummy food and not do laundry and sleep and be pampered. And sleep.

My favorite toys:
1. My piano!!!
2. My YMCA membership--they watch my kids for me so I can shower!, I mean, exercise.
3. John's laptop.
4. My Tupperware spatula. It's just perfect.
5. My foot spa.

The five greatest things about being a mom:
1. Being the one that is loved the best.
2. Feeling giddy inside when my kids eat their vegetables first at dinner.
3. Being here to watch them learn: Jeremiah going from 3 words to entire sentences over the course of a year, Danielle climbing stairs and starting to walk, Isaac sitting through Sacrament meeting quietly and reverently and happily.
4. Having a magical ability to blow kisses to "owies" that makes them disappear.
5. Enjoying, relishing the peace and quiet when they are all asleep.

1 comment:

Cougarg said...

That was great! I wonder if in the future, I will be giddy that my children ate their vegetables first? Or is that only a motherly thing?

Now get your husband to do one, and try to have him leave monetary theory and voting patterns for a separate post ;)