Friday, September 14, 2007

And on the seventh day he rested

Isaac missed his preschool class today. (I do have "first day of school" pictures on our phone...and second day of school pictures still on the camera when we couldn't figure out how to get a picture off the those will come soon, probably.)

I made brownies on Wednesday, and when I offered Isaac one he declined, stating that it would make his tummy feel yucky. (I thought, When did I teach him that? I don't think I did--maybe he learned something in preschool or Sunbeams about good foods and yucky tummy foods...Hmmm, curious.) Last night he started throwing up. The last time was mid-morning today. And he's kept some soda and cheesy bread down late tonight, after his four hour nap on the living room floor, so I think he's doing better.


Cougarg said...

Poor kid, I bet its hard seeing them be sick. Hope he feels better.

alison said...

Well, when they get sick, they get extra-cuddly, which is really nice...

But I always feel extra-bad for them when I get the same kind of sick after them and fill my empathy reserves. My reserves are now full--I was throwing up at 3 this morning and was really regretting those last two slices of pizza! (They were small! One piece had been cut into three for the boys, and so it was really only 2/3 of a piece...But I still regretted it, or at least the getting it out part.)