Friday, August 24, 2007


John and I make up new acronyms when we're IMing each other--It's kind of fun to try to interpret what the other has to say.

So, that was "I think I have a new best friend." I think I can have an infinite supply of best friends, because each one is so different. THIS one brought me homemade jams and salsa and applesauce the first time she came over. What more could I ask for?

I know, I'm pretty easy. But I think everyone knew that already...


Anonymous said...

Another fun game to play while IMing is to come with alternative words for common acronyms like:
pfft - normally a sound of dismay
or portly figures feel terrific!
or Please feel free to talk! Seriously you should try it, it turns out to be a really fun game!

alison said...

Hey, isn't that one of the options in Balderdash? (I think it's the most fun one--I'm not always so good at making up definitions, though that depends who else is playing.)

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's an option with Balderdash, I've taken to pulling out the boggle dice and having it be a party game when I have friends over, it's super fun!