Thursday, September 25, 2008


Some things about Isaac...

Isaac's responsibility this month (I kept forgetting at the week-marks to change responsibilities) is Keys. He is in charge of locking and unlocking the door. He does a very good job.

Isaac was struggling to pay attention in his class for the first couple weeks, but now he's doing great! One of the first days of school he brought home 8 mostly blank worksheets; yesterday he brought home 8 completed (and completely correct) worksheets. He is great at math, and really good at reading...but writing letters is harder for him.

He still has the cutest inflections when I have something special for him (and anything slightly out of the ordinary is special). "You made me applesauce bread? And you brought me a slice? Really? Thank you!" It reminds of Hannah. :)

We had dinner with some friends (who had the big screen TV with football on it mentioned below), and the little 12 month old boy had woken up after we arrived, an was fairly (sleepy) sad. Isaac kept trying to help him be happy. He tried playing peek-a-boo around furniture, bringing him different toys, and was sweetly talking to him.

Isaac and Jeremiah (and sometimes Danielle) play crazy running-around-the-house games together...they climb up beanstalks, they hide from each other, they stay away from the lava... Isaac tried to teach Jeremiah how to play freeze-tag, but Jeremiah didn't really understand. (Danielle followed the instructions reasonably well, though.)

One of Isaac's favorite phrases is "MOM, we have an EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!" I'll suffice to say MANY things apparently are considered emergencies.

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