Monday, April 28, 2008

Computer Time

We've had a little disagreement with Isaac on how much time he can spend on the computer. As soon as we walked inside Grandma's house yesterday he went over to the computer to play "the nice shooting game." I convinced him to come over and eat (or at least drink) with us, and he kept telling me he wanted to be excused to go play on the computer. After dinner, he (prompted by me) opened a meeting in which all the adults submitted a vote on how much time he spent on the computer. After he had all voted (Isaac voted for 62 minutes) we gave him the option of choosing the mean, median, or mode. He chose the mode--perhaps because it sounds like the most?--which was 30 minutes. I didn't vote, but I used the Mom Card to outlaw computer time on Sundays. Isaac was happy to be the center of attention and to hear everyone in the room say that they wanted to play with him when he comes over, rather than have him on the computer all day. Happily for me, everyone in the room gave appropriate time allotments and was willing to participate in our discussion. :) Now I don't need to worry about Isaac having too much computer time at Grandma's house: He helped to make the rule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great. Keep it up and Isaac could be using statistics to his own advantage within a couple years, so watch out.