Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mother's Day

Danielle and I went to California for Mother's Day. We went to the nursing home that my great Grandma Erickson is staying at, along with my parents, Alecia, Rob and Julie, DeeDee, David, one of David's friends who took pictures of us, and my Grandma.

It was fun for me to have Danielle meet her great-great Grandmother.

DeeDee gave great Grandma a couple presents. Silly straws and yo-yos. When Grandma saw the yo-yos, she said, "I don't want a yo-yo!"

My great Grandma is very wise. She told us that "all babies are cute, but when they grow up, they either get pretty or ugly."

And then Julie and I went to meet Lydia (my grandma's roommate) so Lydia could meet Danielle. Something special happens when really old people (she just turned 103, I think I'm justified in calling her old) meet babies. Danielle tried to eat her great-great Grandma's hand, but that's not what I meant. I meant something along the lines of the elderly and the newly born being so close to heaven. It's unique.

It's a little fun being a mother on Mother's Day. But I think I still like being the daughter. Maybe it's just that I have such a great mom. I think I'll be a wonderful mother if I can be more like her.

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