Friday, May 15, 2009

Random Update

Danielle: I went swimming, but I got water in my eyes.

Notice that this is a 10-word sentence. Yesterday when we took the kids swimming, she decided to venture out by herself (yes, with a life jacket on), and was very surprised when she was submerged. She doesn't usually get her entire head wet at once.

Danielle: Do sharks have belly buttons?!?
Jeremiah: No. They have fins.

Well, he's right.

We have family swimming time each night for an hour at our apartment community pools. I prefer when there aren't other people around, but as it's getting hotter, that's happening less frequently. Isaac is like a fish. Literally. He pretends he's a fish going swimming. He just loves the water. He's fairly fearless, which we rein in by taking his swim vest off for a portion of the time we're at the pool. Last night he was jumping and diving in the deep end of the pool (we wouldn't allow the diving without a flotation device, but since he goes about a foot under the water surface before coming back up, we've decided to let him be for right now). I don't know if he's actually seen people dive before, or if he's trying out new ways of jumping in. The day before it was cannonballs...

I've registered the boys for swimming lessons, which will start in a couple more weeks. I'm hoping that Isaac will take to a fish...and that Jeremiah will voluntarily dunk his head under the water.

I registered myself for a tennis class. :)

I just finished The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Isaac, and he absolutely loved it. It helped that there were some pictures, but he loved the story and requested more. We're currently reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Prince Caspian, and Mummies in the Morning. I think we need to finish up the last of those today so we aren't reading so many books at the same time--it didn't happen quite on purpose.

Jeremiah had a fever last night, and came to find me. I laid him on our couch, and then he told me a story about a shark, and putting a worm on it's nose. It was very cute. He doesn't often just keep talking, and I adore it when he does.

Jeremiah's school had Water Day a few days ago, and he did not want to wear a shirt with his swim trunks. He was confused to have a shirt and swim trunks--he doesn't wear a shirt in the water, and he doesn't wear swim trunks to school. It was quite an issue. But seeing inflatable water slides made all the difference and he had fun. :)


Sarah said...

If we believed in reincarnation I would readily believe that Isaac was a fish in his other life! Seriously, I remember even when he was really little, he was seriously obsessed with water! We'd find him flooding the bathroom and becoming so upset because he had to stay inside during a downpour. (Maine comes to mind for that one lol) Swimming lessons were a highlight of my childhood so I can imagine that They are going to love em! :)

Anonymous said...

I love, "No, they have fins." hahaha!!! I know some sharks are born alive... do they have belly buttons? :) Danielle's questions are so cute.


Stephen Bunker said...

Did Isaac get the allegory in "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe?"

My Joseph really dug into the "Tree House Series." He also likes the Geronimo Stilton books.

Saturday is the annual library summering reading kick off. The whole family is anxiously awaiting.

alison said...

Isaac did pick up on the allegory in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was interesting to watch him listen to it and understand. And, he loves the magic tree house books, too. :)