Friday, May 29, 2009

For Bill

It must be genetic?

I just looked over at my daughter a couple days ago, and lo and behold... this is what I saw. I had offered her string cheese a few minutes before, and she had denied it.


Cougarg said...

Aw thanks! I was just telling some friends about that today... Now, when she starts in on a five pound block, I'll truly be impressed! My question is, do your kids fight over tuna juice like the previous generation does?

Sarah said...

hahaha! Thats so CUTE! She's still got some wisonsinite in her! I cant argue the cheese loving gene either (the one that forces you to eat off the block of cheese) all of us Robinsons have it. And of course the tuna juice loving too lol.

Jay said...

I remember getting in serious trouble for doing this when I was a kid ... and then lying about it.