Saturday, June 20, 2009


A couple nights ago, Danielle really didn't want to go to bed. Also, lately she's been opposite-ing me to oppose my seniority or to have fun, depending on her mood. So, when she still wasn't staying in her room (which is unacceptable in our home), I changed tactics, and while taking her back, told her "I just love you so much, Danielle," as sweetly as I could given my rising frustration level. She looked at me with a determined face--determined to not go back into her bed--and yelled as loud and stubbornly as she could, "NO, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Well, then.

We've had incredibly nice weather lately, considering it's June in Arizona. But it's (finally?) getting hotter. And more typical. We were headed into swimming lessons, and Isaac was dragging along, and moaning, "Why is it so hot?" Uh, it's June in Arizona, buddy. Sorry.

Danielle and I painted our toes together, though I didn't cave when she asked if she could paint mine after I did hers. I had received some nail polish that was a weird light pink color for Christmas, and hadn't used it. Then on Sunday when we were wearing church shoes that we could see our toes through, when we were outside, the polish turned to purple! It was amazing. We enjoyed watching it change from pink to purple and back again as we went inside and outside.

Our children pray independently. Given that they're 6, 4, and 2, we get some interesting "ask fors." One night, Danielle really wanted to read "the David book" again, but as it was bedtime and we were doing our bedtime routine and reading another book isn't part of it, the answer was a definite No. As she prayed, she included, "Please bless us read the David book," I think twice. We did read it after her prayer. Maybe my heart was softened. :) When Jeremiah was praying, he asked "Please bless us to go to Old McDonald's," something that is a Sometimes in our family. The next day, John had Jeremiah in the car for 30 minutes, and happened to buy him an ice cream at McDonald's. It wasn't until when he told me what they had done, that we recognized his prayer was answered.

One of the kids' favorite chores (they like to help clean and get things ready, for whatever reason, which I'm grateful for) is washing the door. They all like to be helpers.

John's currently teaching a ridiculously long night class two nights a week, so I have the privilege/opportunity to do bedtime solo. Maybe they think they can get away with more when there's only one of's true. These three kids are wonderful siblings. They love each other so much. I am honored to be their mother.

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