Thursday, November 27, 2008

John's thankful list

I'm grateful for:

Bacon on scout camp-outs

The Envelope Theorem (it really makes things so much easier)

Laffy Taffy

A wonderful wife who writes flattering blog posts

The economy (really, it's pretty amazing to me what you can get in exchange for the amount of work that we do. We went to IKEA today so this was on my mind)

The Book of Mormon (we've been doing really quick scripture time in the morning and I enjoy Isaac's answers)


Science Fiction novelists

Watermelon (the word, not the fruit)

the expression "the bottom of the barrel"

1 comment:

Cougarg said...

Hey man! It's the ten year anniversary of going to the Bostwick's for Thanksgiving during our freshman year. Whodathunkit?