Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I've decided that instead of trying to achieve balance in my life, I should instead indulge.

I haven't been able to figure out how to do everything "completely" all the time, so I'm going to do the minimum most of the time, and then splurge every month or so.

Like getting dressed. Sure, in high school and college I would shower daily, dry and curl my hair, put on make-up, wear cute clothes that didn't have kid-stains on them...but now that is a ridiculous thing to attempt. Well, and have any sort of a life. So, I take a quick shower at the YMCA, dry off, put on some clothes that fit, run a brush through my hair and scrunch it with some mousse, and call it good. Fancy days I put on mascara and lip-gloss. Much more reasonable, and then I can "really get dressed" every couple months (maybe for a date-night or a wedding) and be pleased with myself.

So, I decided taht I should do the same things with cleaning our apartment and reading books. Instead of thinking I should be able to do it all, I am instead going to indulge. Every month, I can "indulge" in a clean house--get it all clean and make it stay that way for at least a day, and truly enjoy it, knowing it won't last for long, but also knowing it's possible on an irregular basis.

And, every month, I'm going to stay up way too late reading some book I just don't want to put down, and probably eat an entire bag of chocolate candy while doing so...and not feel guilty because I only do it once a month...and then truly enjoy it.

I think it's a good plan. :)


Lees said...

This is a great plan Alison! I may adopt some of your monthly indulgences myself :)

Stephen Bunker said...

I understand that there are some churches that let you buy indulgences. I like your plan much better. You don't have to pay anyone.