Thursday, March 13, 2008

Time and Weather

So...sometimes I think that the whole Daylight savings time is ridiculous. I'm always okay with the "fall back" part, it's the "spring forward" part that is so terrible. But this year with Jeremiah's bus suddenly arriving an hour earlier...oh boy. We're still adjusting our bodies to a new time. (And next year I'll remember to start changing the time--bedtime and waking up time--by ten minutes a day a few days before the clocks change!)

I took Jeremiah out to the bus, and I thought, "Wow, I didn't need to put my coat on! This is a lovely lovely day!" It's about 37 right now. Just for some perspective. 37 is SO WARM! A good 60 degrees warmer than than January and February. I love March!

1 comment:

Christine said...

I hate losing the sleep but I love the sunshine! Glad you were so warm in the great northwest they'd call that a cold snap! It's all about perspective. :)