Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Right now I am perfectly content. Life is simple, life is routine. Our house becomes messy and clean again quickly (this goes both ways, which is important!). We eat and clean up many times a day. I get kids dressed and ready for each day, and eventually into pajamas before bed...only to do it all over again. We read books, we have naps, we exercise at times... We have family home evening and family scripture study and family prayer. I have some time for just me (I repeat, SOME, not an incredible amount, but enough).

So, how long until something happens to throw us out of our routine...? In the plans are:
1. The boys are out of school come June.
2. We're (planning on) sending John back to ASU in September.
3. Someone will probably get sick...

I'm definitely enjoying this blessed though temporary state! And my kids are cute, too. And my husband is wonderful. And I just am feeling incredibly lucky right now.


Todd said...

Enjoy your time because it certainly is rare to feel perfectly content with little kids running around.

And John's going back to ASU?! Tell John to email me some details.

Christine said...

I love those moments when things are working as you would like them to - I'm glad you're there right now. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I envy that state--I congratulate you on achieving contentment and I'm glad you're appreciating it while you've got it :)