Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Isaac's HAPPY!

In his baby blessing, John blessed Isaac that he would laugh. We just felt that it was part of his personality, of who he was. One who laughs.

Isaac has been such a great big brother. He was eating apple slices in the car, and Jeremiah was looking over longingly at the apples. I asked Isaac if Jeremiah could have some, and he said, "No." But then I asked if he could share his apples with Jeremiah, and he happily said, "Okay, I share apples with Jeremiah."

And when we left from Grandpa Robinson's house last night, Isaac was saying that he wanted to go back to Grandpa's house adn that he was sad because we were leaving. But then he changed his mind. He said, "Isaac's happy. Isaac wants ice cream. Isaac wants to play Star Wars." Yes, in that order. And yes, he often refers to himself in third person.

Isaac's happy!

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