Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Danielle's (almost) 3 Months Old

She's getting so big! She doesn't really like tummy time, but she loves being held and danced with around the kitchen. She can sit up by herself holding onto my thumbs (I know it's not really all by herself, but sort of) and she keeps her head steady while she does. She makes happy cooing noises when she isn't smiling. She getting so good at wiggling, at moving her body in the ways she wants to go. She focuses on faces most of the time--toys aren't nearly as interesting to her. She wakes up so incredibly happy; she coos and wiggles in the bassinet until I wake up and come get her, and when she sees me, she grins.

Jeremiah and Isaac both love to hold her. Isaac will ask. Jeremiah just comes on over and hugs her tummy until I hand her over.

Danielle weighs at least 12 pounds, probably a bit more. She's outgrown all her 0-3 month clothes, except the gowns (because they have no feet!). I just washed all the clothes she's grown out of, and need to box them up. And then get her 3-6 month clothes up into the op drawer.

Danielle is so sweet. And she is beautiful. She got "chubby" over the weekend. Her eyes are so blue--different shades depending mostly on the lighting, and her hair is getting longer. And she laughs! Not often yet, but it's adorable when she does, and I do ridiculous things over and over trying to get her to laugh again.

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