Monday, January 19, 2009

Cute Things from Today

Me: Danielle, what's your favorite vegetable?
Danielle: Green beans!
Me: Do you like the ones in the can?
Danielle: No! In my mouth!

(At the grocery store)
Me: Isaac! Calm down! You're being crazy!
Isaac (doing a crazy dance): I'm CRRRR-AAA-ZY because then I won't be so bored!

(Watching a movie with Daddy)
Danielle grabs John's jowls: What's happening Daddy? What's happening?
John says what's happening.
Eight seconds later, Danielle grabs John's jowls: What's happening? What's happening Daddy?
John says what's happening.

(About to start driving to see friends)
Jeremiah: Can the car fly to go to Lindy's house?
Me, repeating for clarification: You want the car to fly?
Jeremiah: O-kay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so CUTE - I don't have nearly as funny stories about my cat...