Thursday, November 8, 2007

Parent-Teacher Conference #1

We had Isaac's Parent-Teacher conference on Tuesday. Isaac came too, since his conference was immediately after his class. He showed us his classroom, and then he sat with us at the table and listened to his teacher for about 20 minutes. He's doing really well at school. He plays nicely with the other children, he listens to stories, he follows the rules. The only things he has trouble with is sometimes doing something with only general direction, such as "It's your turn, Isaac," when they're playing a game and ten other kids have already had a turn--he doesn't really know what to do; or he scribbles when he's instructed to draw a face, but will do the individual parts when asked. So we'll work on more game-playing and imitation and coloring in general at home. His teacher also said that they don't always understand him when he speaks; we gave permission for the speech teacher to evaluate him, to see if he needs some therapy. (This is sounding familiar...) John and I think that partly he could use some speech therapy, but mostly the things he talks about aren't the normal things 4-year-olds talk about. Ghosts and dragons and things that don't usually exist, doing things that are slightly unusual. "The ghost put the dragons in the cage! Waa waa! That makes the dragons so sad. The Care Bears are coming to help; Good job, Care Bears!" Not that I think other kids don't talk about ghosts and dragons and cages and Care Bears, I just think they don't put them together like that.

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