Saturday, December 16, 2006

Rock, Paper, Scissors

John and I played Rock, Paper, Scissors. I won, so I get to have a baby tomorrow. I declined a second round that was to bet on if she was going to be a girl. We'll see how effective Rock, Paper, Scissors is at predicting the future. I think it will be statistically significant at the 95% level. (But I don't plan on testing this theory many more times.)

Jeremiah woke up at 2 a.m., and after waking John up 6 times, John got out of bed to get Jeremiah from his crib. He didn't want a drink. He didn't want to cuddle (which is the typical solution). He liked the light on...and John and Jeremiah stayed up until 5:30, when Jeremiah climbed into bed with me and was jumping off of my side onto the mattress. That's when John put Jeremiah back in his crib for bedtime.

Isaac decided that 4:30 was a good time to arise, and ended up taking a nap from 7 until 9.

I decided that I'd much rather do three kids in diapers than three kids waking up several times each at night.

Maybe we'll do Rock, Paper, Scissors for sleeping tonight.

But I'd have to wake John up first.

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